• Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  • CPL (Cost Per Lead)
  • Any location

Type of data you want:
Data (Aged) Previously Telemarketed For Health Insurance Enrollment

Target Market Locations: United States
State specific : ID, MD, PA, NC,TX GA, OK, AZ, TN, KS

How many are you looking to purchase?

Total 1000-3000 to start.

Special Requirements?

(Aged) Previously Telemarketed For Health Insurance Enrollment 

HEADERS: Name,  Phone, Email (Optional), Address, Age, Current Provider/No insurance, Dependents ?

Lead must have general good health. Lead MUST be less than one year old aged.

What industry are you in?
Health Insurance

What would you like to pay? Give us multiple lead types & pricing

Are you working with one of our agents?

Agents Name:
Christopher meyer

To apply for this job email your details to Schnaider@callcentersforhire.com