Quker Capital Inc
Time Zone you are located:
Hours Of Operation:
What industry are you in?
Business to Business
Other (Explained):
What type of Live Transfer Leads (Call Transfers) are you looking for?
* Call Center Live Transfers from outbound calling (Live Agents) *
Call Center Transfers from inbound calls ONLY (Live Agents)
Is there a preference of where you want your seller located?
Doesn’t matter, we want quality and good pricing
How many live transfers per day?
4 or5
How many days per week?
Number of agents to take calls – (Optional):
Amount you would like to pay per live transfer lead:
as little as possible
Do you require a warm hand off?
Yes we want a warm hand off
Do you require a buffer?
How long of a buffer do you consider billable?
120+ Seconds
Does the call center need to provide TCPA Compliant Data:
* Yes, we require ONLY TCPA compliant data. * Yes, however we will
provide that data.
Upload State Omits or DNC List:
No file attached
Are you working with an Agent?
I am a broker.
Agents Name:
Special Notes:
I have been in the business and just need some help
To apply for this job email your details to wshivers@datamonsterinc.com