Website MichaelJEllman Digital Odeon Inc.
Visit a Doctor by Phone or Video 24/7/365! Get Diagnosis & Rx
Looking for call centers marketing Health Insurance or DME (Braces) or any health-related product to pitch our MedProtectOne.com 24/7/365 Doctor by Phone & Video Conference Telemedicine Plan.
Easy pitch and transfer to our call center. For consumers it’s just $29.95/month with NO Per Call Consulting Fees, No Copays or Deductibles. So for $1 a Day the family has access to doctors in their states of residence or where located in USA if traveling.
This is a fast growing vertical within the healthcare category.
Email Mike at mje@digitalodeon.com or Skype michaelellman515 for receiving a complete PowerPoint outline of this opportunity.
To apply for this job email your details to mje@digitalodeon.com