Thank You For Selling with US
Welcome aboard!
Thank you for adding your call center or your data products or services to our global online marketplace! Your ad will be live shortly. If we have any questions or concerns in regards to your ad/s we will reach out to you.
What to do next: Now that you have enrolled you will get an email. Follow the instructions on this email and login and get to know your dashboard. Your dashboard is where you will see messages from buyers and shoppers looking to do business with you. You will also get an email notification, however sometimes this may end up in your spam so its important you login from time to time to check on your activity on your ads.
What to expect: Once your ad/s are live and a shopper inquires on your ad, you can expect one of our Liaisons to reach out to you as well to let you know to login and reply to the shopper / buyer. You will also get an email telling you to login so you can respond to the potential buyer. Often the shoppers will have questions. We are here to help connect you and your potential new client by a series of ways. We can do Skype, Google, Phone calls, Join.me and more. Depending on your buyers preference. During the meet with the shopper we will also assist in selling your product or service and than allow the buyer to ask their questions they need answered and begin with the interview process. *Its imperative you do not break our terms and solicit our shoppers to pay you direct or outside of our platform. Any sellers caught doing so will be banned from the platform permanently.
How can I get more offers? If you are looking to skip the process of getting verified by waiting to be interviewed by a shopper you can skip the wait and have us verify you so your ad gets marked as verified and moved to the top of the search results. To do this simply fill out the form below by clicking the link and we will contact you to setup a good time. (There is a $10 Verification fee and an optional one time Featured Ad fee of $10) *You do not have to pay to become verified you can simply wait until your first interview with a shopper that inquires on your ad this could be as soon as one hour or as long as 2 months. Verified sellers do get more inquiries because our search does display them first.
GET VERIFIED AND / OR FEATURED: https://www.callcentersforhire.com/become-a-featured-seller/
Once your ad goes live you can use that link as a payment portal for any future customers. You are now DATA MONSTER PROTECTED!
If you have any questions regarding our platform and how it works please reach out to our CEO Mr. Will Shivers at 1.888.420.3282 Ext: 105 or Skype Data.Monster
We look forward to working with you soon!