• Hourly Pay
  • Pay Per Acquisition
  • Pay Per Transfer
  • any

ACS Prioerties, LLC

good call center wanted

What type of services do you require?
Business to Business

Business to Consumer

Other Industry:

Location Preference:

Agents Needed:

Call Center Services Needed:
Lead Generation

How would you like to pay:
* Cost Per Lead (CPL) * Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) * Cost Per Hour
(Hourly) * Cost Per Call (CPC)

What price would you like to pay?

What type of job is this?
This is a “One Time” job.

Does the Call Center need to provide their own VOIP (Dialer)?
Yes, Call Center must provide their own VOIP

Does the Call Center need to provide their own data?:
No, We provide the data.

If there is a live transfer involved do you require a buffer?

How long of a buffer do you consider billable?
30+ Seconds

Do you require a warm hand off? *(Introduction of potential Client
from the Call Center to your live agent)
Either way is fine

To apply for this job email your details to wshivers@datamonsterinc.com