Optimization LLC

looking for commercial/private insurance leads for patients with pain, dermatitis and maintenance medications.

Type of data you want:
Data Base Leads

Does the data need to be TCPA Compliant:
Yes, we require ONLY TCPA compliant data.

Target Market Locations:

Load Supporting Documents:
File is attached: Suggested-Rx-Script-V2.1.docx

What industry are you in?
* DME Pain Cream * OTHER (Explain in next field)

Other Industry:
Rx Prescription/Specialty Pharmacy

What would you like to pay? Give us multiple lead types & pricing
I’m open to options as I’m looking for data and posted leads. I’m
currently paying $150.00 CPL on approved patients.

I’m looking for commercial/private insurance leads for patients with
pain, dermatitis and maintenance medications.

To apply for this job email your details to wshivers@datamonsterinc.com